龙腾世纪2 控制台详细技能代码

小编:Ocean 2011/06/24 17:00

可用于控制台 runscript addtalent #

这种TREE类代码是用来使所对应的天赋树出现在你的人物的天赋树中   同职业的就不需要在用了
102001 这种类型的代码就像是专精天赋点数一样 用来开启对应天赋树的

比如我的法师  我现在像要战士的  WEAPON AND SHIELD天赋
runscript addtalent 101000
runscript addtalent 101001

如果部分武器出现职业限制 可以参考以下代码


Weapon and Shield - 101000 tree (101001 base talent point)┣Shield Bash - 101010      Pummel - 101011
Assault - 101020
      Battery - 101021
Scatter - 101030
      Disperse - 101031
Shield Defense - 101040
      Shield Wall - 101041
Perception - 101050
Safegaurd - 101060牛游戏网

- 102001 tree (102001 base talent point)

Mighty Blow - 102010
     Shattering Blow - 102011
     Killer Blow - 102012
Scythe - 102020
     Reaper - 102021
Whirlwind - 102030
     Tornado - 102031
     Cyclone - 102032
Giant's Reach - 102040
Sunder - 102050牛游戏网

- 103000 tree (103001 base talent point)

Cleave - 103010
     Claymore - 103011
Assail - 103020
     Besiege - 103021
Control - 103030
     Command - 103031
Might - 103040
     Muscle - 103041
Destroyer - 103050
Massacre - 103060

Defender - 104001 tree (104001 base talent point)

Stonewall - 104010
     Bulwark - 104011
Turn the Blade - 104020
     Raise the Guard - 104021
     Steady the Foot - 104022
Elemental Aegis - 104030
     Elemental Shroud - 104031
Adament - 104040
Resilience - 104050
Resolute - 104060

- 105000 tree (105001 base talent point)

Taunt - 105010
     Bellow - 105011
Pommel Strike - 105020
     Pommel Blow - 105021
Tremor - 105030
     Quake - 105031
     Aftershock - 105032
Bravery - 105040
     Bravado - 105041
     Bravura - 105042牛游戏网

- 106001 tree (106001 base talent point)

Rally - 106010
     Unite - 106011
Bolster - 106020
Second Wind - 106030
     Last Push - 106031
     Deep Breath - 106032
Battle Synergy - 106040
     Fearless Synergy - 106041
     Hero's Synergy - 106042
Deep Reserves - 106050牛游戏网

- 107000 tree (107001 base talent point)

Holy Smite         - 107010
     Righteous Smite - 107011
     Staggering Smite - 107012
Cleanse - 107020
     Cleansing Wave - 107021
     Lasting Cleanse - 107022
Silence - 107030
     Lingering Silence        107031
Righteous Strike - 107040
Annulment - 107050

Reaver - 109000 tree (109001 base talent point)

Devour - 109010
     Voracious - 109011
     Insatiable - 109012
Sacrificial Frenzy - 109020
     Sustained Frenzy - 109021
Aura of Pain - 109030
     Frenzy of Pain - 109031
     Torrent of Pain - 109032
Blood Frenzy - 109040
Fervor - 109050牛游戏网

- 110000 tree (110001 base talent point)

Adrenaline - 110010
     Adrenaline Rage - 110011
     Adrenaline Rush - 110012
Barrage - 110020
     Unrelenting Barrage - 110021
     Resilient Barrage - 110022
Berserk - 110030
     Endless Berserk - 110031
     Savage Berserk - 110032
Death Blow - 110040


Dual Weapon
- 201000 tree (201001 base talent point)

Backstab - 201010
     Perforate - 201011
     Murder - 201012
Explosive Strike - 201020
     Merciless Strike - 201021
Twin Fang - 201030
     Reversed Grip - 201031
Lacerate - 201040
     Maim - 201041
Unforgiving Chain - 201050牛游戏网

- 202000 tree (202001 base talent point)

Pinning Shot - 202010
     Rapid Pinning Shot - 202011
     Disorienting Shot - 202012
Bursting Arrow - 202020
     Shattering Arrow - 202021
     Smoking Arrow - 202022
Archer's Lance - 202030
     Punishing Lance - 202031
Hail of Arrows - 202040
     Storm of Arrows - 202041牛游戏网

- 203000 tree (203001 base talent point)

Rush - 203010
     Charge - 203011
     Blitz - 203012
Miasmic Flask - 203020
     Improved Formula - 203021
Fatiguing Fog - 203030
     Overpowering Fog - 203031
     Impenetrable Fog - 203032
Confusion - 203040
     Chaos - 203041牛游戏网

- 204000 tree (204001 base talent point)

Speed - 204010
     Lightening Speed - 204011
     Energizing Speed - 204012
Precision - 204020
     Precise Attack - 204021
     Precise Criticals - 204022
Power - 204030
     Stunning Power - 204031
     Slashing Power - 204032
Harmony - 204040牛游戏网

- 205000 tree (205001 base talent point)

Goad - 205010
     Corral - 205011
Back-to-Back - 205020
     Invisible Friend - 205021
Armistice - 205030
     Truce - 205031
Brand - 205040
Blindside - 205050
Twist the Knife - 205060
Follow-through - 205070牛游戏网

- 206000 tree (206001 base talent point)

Stealth - 206010
     Silent Running - 206011
     Camouflage - 206012
Evade - 206020
     Tactical Withdrawal - 206021
Chameleon's Breath - 206030
     Chameleon's Cloud - 206031
Ambush - 206040
Lingering Shroud - 206050
Subtlety - 206060牛游戏网

- 207000 tree (207001 base talent point)

Inconspicuous - 207010
     Indiscernible - 207011
     Imperceptible - 207012
Decoy - 207020
     Sturdy Decoy - 207021
     Rigged Decoy - 207022
Pinpoint Precision - 207030
Disorienting Criticals - 207040
Predator - 207050
Shadow Veil - 207060

- 208000 tree (208001 base talent point)

Vendetta - 208010
     Blood Feud - 208011
Throw the Gauntlet - 208020
     To the Death - 208021
     Cutting Barbs - 208022
Parry - 208030
     Riposte - 208031
     En Garde - 208032
Sure Strikes - 208040
Evasive Maneuvers - 208050牛游戏网

- 210000 tree (210001 base talent point)

Pinpoint Strikes - 210010
     Relentless Strikes - 210011
Assassinate - 210020
     Annihilate - 210021
     Overkill - 210022
Mark of Death - 210030
     Enduring Mark - 210031
     Mark of Doom - 210032
Devious Harm - 210040
Bloodlust - 210050


- 301000 tree (301001 base talent point)
Winter's Grasp - 301010
     Winter's Blast - 301011
Cone of Cold - 301020
     Deep Freeze - 301021
Fireball - 301030
     Searing Fireball - 301031
Firestorm - 301040
     Apocalyptic Firestorm - 301041
Pyromancer - 301050
Elemental Mastery - 301060

- 302000 tree (302001 base talent point)

Stonefist - 302010
     Golem's Fist - 302011
Petrify - 302020
     Desiccate - 302021
Chain Lightning - 302030
     Chain Reaction - 302031
Tempest - 302040
     Strikes Twice - 302041
Rock Armor - 302050
Galvanism - 302060牛游戏网

- 303000 tree (303001 base talent point)

Spirit Bolt - 303010
     Spirit Strike- 303011
Dispel Magic - 303020
     Transmutation - 303021
Walking Bomb - 303030
     Corrosive Walking Bomb - 303031
     Virulent Walking Bomb - 303032
Death Syphon - 303040
     Death Vortex - 303041
Spirt Mastery - 303050牛游戏网

- 304000 tree (304001 base talent point)

Mind Blast - 304010
    Stunning Blast - 304011
Barrier - 304020
     Arcane Fortress - 304021
Crushing Prison - 304030
     Paralyzing Prison - 304031
Arcane Shield - 304040
     Arcane Wall - 304041
     Elemental Shield - 304042
Elemental Weapons - 304050牛游戏网

- 305000 tree (305001 base talent point)

Hex of Torment - 305010
     Death Hex - 305011
Horror - 305020
     Despair - 305021
Misdirection Hex - 305030
     Shackling Hex - 305031
Sleep - 305040
     Coma - 305041
Entropic Cloud 305050
     Death Cloud - 305051牛游戏网

- 306000 tree (306001 base talent point)

Glyph of Paralasys - 306010
     Glyph of Binding - 306011
Heal - 306020
     Greater Heal - 306021
Glyph of Repulsion - 306030
     Glyph of Defiance - 306031
Haste - 306040
     Great Haste - 306041
Heroic Aura - 306050
     Valiant Aura - 306051牛游戏网

Force Mage
- 307000 tree (307001 base talent point)

Pull of the Abyss - 307010
     Edge of the Abyss - 307011
Telekinetic Burst - 307020
     Telekinetic Blast - 307021
Fist of the Maker - 307030
     Maker's Hammer - 307031
     Maker's Fury - 307032
Gravitic Ring - 307040
     Gravitic Sphere - 307041
Unshakable - 307050牛游戏网

Spirit Healer
- 308000 tree (308001 base talent point)

Group Heal - 308010
     Unity - 308011
Revival - 308020
     Refusal - 308021
     Renewal - 308022
Healing Aura - 308030
     Faith - 308031
     Radiance - 308032
Vitality - 308040
Second Chance - 308050牛游戏网

Blood Mage
- 309000 tree (308001 base talent point)

Sacrifice - 309010
     Grim Sacrifice - 309011
Hemorrhage - 309020
     Paralyzing Hemorrhage - 309021
Grave Robber - 309030
     One Foot In - 309031
Bloodslave - 309040
     Blood Spatter - 309041
Blood Magic - 309050
     Bloodlust - 309051
