星际之狼3:内战 部分物品藏匿点

小编:Ocean 2011/07/22 13:50


在赫菲斯托斯被炮台围绕的地方 就是剧情洗贼船前被追击的地方 里边有一台飞船残骸打爆后有4或5代战机等物品.

星际之狼3:内战  部分物品藏匿点

Hidden Cache locations

So far I know of 9 confirmed, and 1optional mission stash. Here's the locations:

Vaudille 瓦迪勒





North asteroids, there are TWO caches hereand it's easy to run to right after getting the Mastiff. Look for a blinkingcache asteroid somewhere in the west of the cluster and a Ship hull(battleship?) with a blinking white light towards the center/east of thenorthern field. There are many false caches just blow them all up till you findthem. You should get a couple of nice prototype main guns and maybe a fighteror 2 as well as some top tier equipment. You can save/reload to get betterstuff.

Solncevka - North West asteroid/dust field.It's an asteroid cache usually high or low on the plane. It helps to stay atthe top or bottom of the field to avoid the strong roaming pirates whilelooking for it. Best loot I got was a Wyvern Mk2, 2 Emeralds, and some big gunshere.

Fronn 弗隆





-Center asteroid field 3 squares sound and one east of the Triada Trade Station.I don't remember what loot I got here but stash loot usually has at least acouple good things.

Charon 渡神





-- 很好的贸易空间站

–South Western corner in a blinking asteroid I found a Hrimthurs (rank 4missleboat). I'm not sure if it's the only stash, just the only one I couldfind, not that great but it's money. Of note is the Styx Station which sellsthe awesome "Templar" ships Raptor T, Trident T, and Gunslinger T. Italso the one non-smuggler place I've found that sells top tier equipment fornormal store prices early in the game (pre FTU)

XB-19――地点:Ruined Station西南横日处;

――数量: 1箱,假目标会吸引敌人前来增援?



-Either near the junkyard or destroyed station. It's a blinking asteroid but maybe very hard to see in the clouds. Also there are LOADS of pirates here so Iwouldn't try to get it unless you are pretty strong. Last, be wary as one ortwo of the "fake" stashteroids will summon a pirate fleet for you tofight off. I got a couple of gunslingers and some nice top tier systems. On aside note this is a great place to gain some extra experience and money sincepirates just keep spawning here.


―― 地点: x203星门向西500km,基本与星门等高;

―― 数量: 1箱

―― 价值: G4战机,若干火炮和辅助装备;

―― 环境:绝对安全,剧情的大批Berserker;沿途有少量海盗

- 5 and a half spaces west of thex203 gate is an asteroid.

I looted a wyvern mk2 Asmodeus x 2, m-82dago and m150 tetabo x 2 post precursor mission.

Tarrot - asteroid in the SW quadrant. Lotsof pirates. It had some decent stuff. I don't think you can get this unless yougo the Ino co route which is bugged for me.

Precursor system

―― 地点: 第一路点的文物装船以后,继续向东500km,就在超大的太空站废墟正中央(Starhammer memorial);

―― 数量: 1箱

―― 价值: 外星战斗机;外星武器;

―― 环境:攻击Starhammer memorial会召来大批外星战斗机,直至Starhammer memorial被打爆;

- If you go east of the1st waypoint that has all the artifacts, you'll find a Starhammer memorial inside a giant sphere. It dropped a precursor ship artifact and a precursor gunfor me. I also got ambushed by 8 aliens. The precursor ship can sell for almost$120,000. Side note: I don't always get the ship or gun, it's pretty random,but aliens will keep spawning in waves until you actually destroy theStarhammer. If you are tough enough (and save enough) you can gain quite a bitof XP here (I got ~600 my last game before the missile boats got to be toomuch).

Hephaestus (thanks to Goblin Wizard) - Idon't know if anyone mentioned that but you can get some good stuff very earlyin the game (right after you got Mastiff). When you flight to Elio forrepainting you go through the Hephaestus (you had to navigate between automaticturrets). There are 3 rings of these turrets and lots of wrecks around. Blowingwrecks outside the rings is pointless but inside there are two big (flat type)transport hulls that drops nice stuff. 1st gave me: Emerald, Armageddon, Sigil,Avenger, and Trident fighter. 2nd: Shining, Lycathrope, Mortar, Overbank,Berserk Laser and Hrimithurs (sth like that) fighter. After several tries Irealized that types of armament are fixed and only quantity of items changes (Ican get up to 8 items from one wreck) so you can get 600-1000K worth stuffdepending of your luck (fighter are always one, others may be multiple). To getinside you have to flight down and go under the turrets. You can start from thetop too but wrecks are at the bottom so going down is faster. Beware theturrets. Mastiff goes down in 3-4 shots from a single turret. The system istotally peaceful (maybe except gates area) so that's easy money .

Mission: Pirate stash - This is missable ifyou don't accept Heretic's offer right after meeting Ternie for the first time.Take his offer (and the money, lasers aren't worth it) and make sure hesurvives. He should let you work with the other pirate gang to get themothership. Once you get it you should have a couple of techs plead for theirlives and give you the stash location. Follow the story a bit longer and Terniewill ask you if you want to go find it, say YES! I'm not going to go intomission details except to say it can be tough for the beginning so I recommendfinding some other stashes first, then do the mission. *spoiler* In the end youmust intercept Paymaster and destroy the transports for the stash; it shouldinclude a Kali or Tungsten among other top tier equipment, well worth theeffort *spoiler*


下一个:黑色洛城 疑问点+个人分析

