战地2142秘籍 BOT修改

小编:Ocean 2010/09/20 09:25

记事本打开D:\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\AI\AIDefault.ai

  echo *****************************************************************************************

  echo AIDefault.ai ****************************************************************************

  echo *****************************************************************************************

  aiSettings.setNSides 2

  aiSettings.setAutoSpawnBots 1

  aiSettings.setMaxNAutoControllers 64

  aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 1

  aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64(这里就是最大数量下面还有一个)

  aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4

  rem To spawn more than 15 bots in SP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above.

  rem Note that this is totaly unsupported, it will affect your system's performance

  rem and may even crash your game. That being said, you will most likely be able to run a lot

  rem more bots than 15 on your system.

  rem Example for 32 bot game with expert bots


  aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1

  aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0

  aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64<======这里

  aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0


  run BotNames.ai

  aiSettings.setInformationGridDimension 32

  aiSettings.setDiscoverCloakedEnemiesDistance 3.0

  run AIPathFinding.ai

  run AutoControllers.ai

  rem EOF

上一个:战地2142秘籍 载具属性修改

下一个:幽灵行动尖峰战士秘籍 NVidia显卡优化心得
