
小编:Ocean 2014/07/17 13:04



- apparently, M46 Patton will have “improved torsion bars” (increased the load capacity, good for stock tracks) equipment available in 9.3

M46 巴顿在9.3可以装备“增强扭杆”,增加载重,对白板炮塔来说有好处。

- Q: “Why was FV215b 183 nerfed when Veider said 7 months ago in an interview that it won’t be nerfed?” A: “Situation changed.”

Q:7个月前,Veider 说183不会削弱,这是怎么回事?


- IS-7, IS-4 and Maus are doing fine statistically

IS-7, IS-4 和 鼠式统计数据表现可以

- “it’s possible” that the developers overestimated the importance of Object 430 armor


- tank names on minimap are planned, no ETA yet (“when it’s done it’s done”)


- water render was not changed after 8.11


- Veider: developers are working on reworking camo and viewrange system


- developers are considering camouflage rework (nerf), when a player asked whether RhB camo will be nerfed, Veider stated: “We are considering it. But we will not nerf RhB specifically, we will implement something systemic.”


- Storm confirms, the candidate for the FV215b switch is the Chieftain

Storm 证实替换FV215b 的候选车辆是酋长

- FV4202 switch – “we will tell you closer to the end of the year”

FV4202 的置换——年末时会告诉你们贴近的消息

- no new tank nation will come this year


- it was not considered to reduce FV215b 183mm alpha (while compensating DPM with reload time) to for example 1400 damage, because “1400 almost prevents the possibility of playing during penetration” (SS: not sure what that means – that it would be not enough for glass gun?)

不会考虑去降低FV215b 183的均伤(同时以加强装填时间的方式予以补偿DPM),比如降到1400伤害,因为“1400这个数值几乎阻碍了在穿深方面的可玩性(SS:不缺定这句什么意思,可能是说1400的伤害对于这门参数不太好的炮来说太低了)”

- developers are working on fixing the bug where you can’t see your friends as online if they are playing on other servers, but no exact info is available


- the “doubled” maps (Prokhorovka/new Prokhorovka, Himmelsdorf/Winter Him) do in fact have the same probability of “dropping” (eg. you have twice a chance to end up on Himmelsdorf, one normal and one winter), the only exception is Ruinberg, which has one half chance of dropping (the Ruinberg on Fire has one half chance as well)


- the new autoaim is working correctly


- Storm states he doesn’t know of a 9.1 bug where the tanks outside of the viewrange are moving by “jerks” a lot on minimap

Storm 表示他不不知道9.1中视野之外的坦克会在小地图“跳动”的bug

- Serious optimization (terrain render)? “When it’s done it’s done”

重要的优化*(地形渲染)?“When it’s done it’s done”

- Italian tanks? “Definitely not this year”


- 9.2 test has its maps loading faster, according to Storm, this is also due to the HD textures not loading in full resolution for other tanks than your own


- T54E1 is doing fine statistically

T54E1 数据上可以

- developers have not yet decided how to correctly implement a general accuracy nerf (SS: was announced earlier)



- T57 Heavy will get a nerf


- accuracy formula is scheduled for a change, German tanks are going to “feel their accuracy” again


- the only thing left from the original BigWorld engine is server support

原BigWorld 引擎唯一留下的东西是服务器支持

- there will be no more free premium tanks (SS: nope, no free FV4202)

以后不会有更多的免费金币车了(SS: nope, 没有免费的 FV4202)

- WG have plans to create a branch in Lithuania (Vilnius) or Latvia (Riga)


And back to Storm:回到Storm的问答:

- Object 430 will be buffed a little

Object 430 会加强一点点

- according to preliminary tests of the new spotting system, 3-4 maps do have issues


- regarding the new spotting system (see previous posts today), camo net will not cancel the way reworked spotting system of moving/shooting tanks works (SS: as in, regarding the changes that will cancel the effect of tanks disappearing in the middle of the field, camo net will not change it)

关于新的点亮系统,伪装网不会抵消新的移动/开火车辆的点亮系统 (也就是说,这个变化会抵消坦克在野外中间位置消失的效果,伪装网不会改变这个效果)

- according to Storm, it is not yet confirmed that the new Prokhorovka has bad feedback, so he cannot say what will happen with it


- Storm states that it’s pointless to discuss Stronkhold with random players (specifically on Livejournal), there is a discussion with big clan members on feedback

Storm 表示你们随机的玩家(没有工会的玩家)讨论要塞模式毫无意义(尤其是在Livejournal上面)。对于这个反馈是与大军团成员之间的一个讨论。






