龙腾世纪起源 the gauntlet鬼桥通过方式

小编:Ocean 2010/11/25 09:50


2.详细开关方式:(在the gauntlet内,这是第三个试炼,最后一个请脱光装备后通过火焰)
Step 1: Right one, right two, left three

Step 2: PC steps on first section of ghost bridge.
(操作一个人到桥上第一块....ghost bridge果然是鬼桥)

Step 3: Right two, left three, left six.

Step 4: PC steps on second section of ghost bridge.

Step 5: Right two, right four, left six.

Step 6: Right four, left one, left six.

Step 7: PC steps on third section of ghost bridge.

Step 8: Right four, right five, left one.

Step 9: Right five, left one, left five.

Step 10: PC crosses successfully.
操作一个角色通过第四块, OK,通过鬼桥....=.=

上一个:暗黑之门伦敦 武器大师技能详解及配点方案

下一个:真三国无双3 全攻略
