无主之地 无敌+无限背包+更快升级

小编:Ocean 2010/11/10 09:26

Ok, this game uses the Unreal 3 Engine, which means a lot of things can be manipulated through the configs. The configs are quite long but I have found some interesting things.
All configs are located in your Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config

游戏用的是虚幻3的引擎,就是说有很多东西可以改,configs文件很长,但我还是发现了一些有趣的东西。所有设置文件都在your Documents\MyGames\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config处。

Inventory Size
Open WillowGame.ini and under [WillowGame.WillowInventoryManager] you can change the inventory size. This should fix the annoying problem where it seems like you need to throw out every other item you get to make room.


God Mode
Under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerController] there is an called bDemiGodMode=False set it to true and you can't die. Your health will fall if you get hit, but once you reach 1hp, it won't drop any further, making you unkillable. I don't know how well this works but I let some enemies beat on me and didn't die.


This is all I have so far. I'm looking through the ini right now to find some more stuff and I'll update this topic when I do.

Easier Upgrades?
Under [WillowGame.WillowCheatManager] you seem to be able to set the level needed to upgrade your stuff.


Example: ResourceUpgrades=(ResourceName="d_resources.AmmoResources.Ammo_Combat_Rifle", PlayerLevelForEachUpgrade=(2,7,15,24,34,45))
补充:资源升级=战斗突击步枪的弹药,每次升级的玩家等级=(2,7,15,24,34,45) 『译者:我也没看懂,不好意思』

If you set those numbers to 1 then it should make upgrading a breeze.

上一个:求生之路2 试玩版心得和分析

下一个:无主之地 上手细节
