
小编:Ocean 2013/02/19 12:53




成就名称 成就分数 成就描述
  File R-00: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-00: Guard Duty.
完成任务 0:保镖
  File R-01: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-01: Coup d'État.
完成任务 1:起【义】
  File R-02: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-02: Research Facility.
完成任务 2:研究设施
  File R-03: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-03: Mile High.
完成任务 3:高空俱乐部
  File R-04: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-04: Hostile Takeover.
完成任务 4:接管
  File R-05: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-05: Escape From Denver.
完成任务 5:逃离丹佛
  File R-06: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-06: Badlands Showdown.
完成任务 6:一决胜负
  File R-07: Status - Closed 15 Complete File R-07: Assassination Attempt.
完成任务 7:刺杀
  Becoming a Lightning God 50 Complete story mode on Revengeance difficulty with all S rankings.
复仇难度下所有任务 S 评价
  Steel Tail 15 Cut off Metal Gear RAY's metal tail during File R-00.
任务 0 中切下合金装备 Ray 的尾巴
  No Flash Photography! 15 Destroy all the Gun Cameras in File R-01.
任务 1 中破坏所有的机枪监视器
  Dwarf Raiden 15 Incapacitate all the soldiers in File R-02 using a Dwarf Gekko.
任务 2 中使用矮人壁虎残废所有士兵
  A Walk in the Dark 15 Complete the sewer sequence in File R-03 without using AR Mode.
任务 3 中不使用 AR 模式完成下水道部分
  Menace to Society 5 Cut off the finial at the top of the pagoda in File R-04.
任务 4 中切掉塔尖
  Great Escape 20 Complete File R-05 in less than 7 minutes.
7 分钟之内完成任务 5
  Surprise Attack! 20 Arrive at the objective in File R-07 without being spotted.
任务 7 中没有被发现抵达目标点
  Anti-Cyborg Sentiment 5 Destroy a total of 100 Cyborgs during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 100 个人造人
  The Bigger They Are... 10 Destroy a total of 100 Custom Cyborgs during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 100 个强化人造人
  Demilitarized Zone 15 Destroy a total of 100 Heavily Armed Cyborgs during story mode.
任务模式中摧毁 100 个重装人造人
  Herpetophobia 20 Destroy a total of 10 Gekkos during story mode.
任务模式中摧毁 10 个壁虎(Gekko)
  Silverback 15 Destroy a total of 10 Mastiffs during story mode.
任务模式中摧毁 10 个烈犬(Mastiff)
  Extinction Level Event 20 Destroy a total of 10 Raptors during story mode.
任务模式中摧毁 10 个猛禽(Raptor)
  Pond Scum 20 Destroy a total of 5 Vodomjerka during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 5 个 Vodomjerka
  Wolf Hunter 20 Destroy a total of 10 Fenrirs during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 10 个巨狼(Fenrir)
  Slider Strike 15 Destroy a total of 10 Sliders during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 10 个滑行者(Slider)
  Jumping the Shark 20 Destroy a total of 10 Hammerheads during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 10 个 Hammerhead
  Looking Out for the Little Guys 5 Destroy a total of 30 Dwarf Gekkos during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 30 个 Dwarf Gekko
  Tearing Away the Disguise 20 Destroy all of the humanoid Dwarf Gekkos during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁所有 humanoid Dwarf Gekko
  Datsu Right 15 Successfully complete 50 Zandatsus during story mode.
故事模式中摧毁 50 个 Zandatsus
  What Doesn't Kill You... 20 In story mode, successfully parry 10 attacks in a row in one minute or less.
故事模式中 1 分钟之内成功连续格挡 10 次攻击
  Assassin Behind Closed Doors 15 Successfully complete 30 Ninja Kills during story mode.
故事模式中进行 30 次忍者击杀
  You Don't Run from Chance 15 Successfully complete 50 Executions during story mode.
故事模式中成功进行 50 次处决
  A Lover, Not a Fighter 20 Successfully complete 10 No Kill battles during story mode.
故事模式中成功完成 10 次无击杀战斗
  Assault with a Deadly Weapon 20 Dismember three enemies during Blade Mode with a single attack.
在一次攻击内发动的切割模式中肢解 3 个敌人
  Rip 'Em Apart! 15 In story mode, kill 100 enemies by cutting them.
故事模式中用切割模式杀掉 100 个敌人
  Love at First Sight 15 While remotely operating a Dwarf Gekko in story mode, find and communicate with all Dwarf Gekkos.
  Ich Liebe Kapitalismus! 20 Acquire all customization items.
  A Big Fan of Lefties 20 Acquire all enemy officers' left arms.
  Amateur Radio Operator 50 Listen to most of the codec conversations.
  Peekaboo 20 Discover all of the soldiers hidden in cardboard boxes.
  Data Mining 20 Acquire all data storage devices.
  Humanitarian Assistance 25 Rescue all the civilians.
  Analysis Complete 20 Unlock every VR Mission.
解锁所有 VR 任务
  VR Master 30 Complete every VR Mission.
完成所有 VR 任务
  Virtually a God 50 Set the highest score on every VR Mission.
在所有 VR 任务里得到最高分
  Secret Achievement 30 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
  Secret Achievement 30 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
  Secret Achievement 30 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
  Secret Achievement 30 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
  Secret Achievement 30 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.


