
小编:杉崎 2019/03/15 14:13











Platinum - Sekiro - All trophies have been unlocked 获得所有奖杯


Man Without Equal - Defeated all bosses 击败所有BOSS

Ashina Traveler - Traveled to all areas of the game 踏遍游戏所有区域

Master of the Prosthetic - Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit jiang 将所有义肢工具升至顶级

Height of Technique - Acquired all skills 获得所有技能


All Prosthetic Tools - Acquired all Prosthetic Tools 取得所有义肢工具

All Ninjutsu Techniques - Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques 学会所有忍术

Peak Physical Strength - Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit 将血量和精力升至顶级

Ultimate Healing Gourd - Fully upgraded the "Healing Gourd" 将“治愈葫芦”升至顶级

Immortal Severance - Attained the "Immortal Severance" ending 完成“永生的断绝”结局

Purification - Attained the "Purification" ending 完成“ 净化”结局

Dragon's Homecoming - Attained the "Return" ending 完成“回归”结局

Shura - Attained the "Shura" ending 完成“修罗”结局

Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Sword Saint Isshin Ashina" 击败“剑圣 芦名一心”

Master of the Arts - Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style 掌握所有战斗风格的战斗奥秘

Lazuline Upgrade - Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit 使用青金石将任意工具升至顶级


Revered Blade - Received the "Kusabimaru" from Kuro 从库罗处获得“不死斩”

Shinobi Prosthetic - Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic 获得忍者义肢

Memorial Mob - Encountered the Memorial Mob 遭遇追悼暴民

Resurrection - Returned from the dead using "Resurrection" for the first time 第一次从死亡中“复生”

Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa - Defeated "Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa" 击败“奥庭刑部”

The Phantom Lady Butterfly - Defeated "Lady Butterfly" 击败“蝴蝶女士”

Genichiro Ashina - Defeated "Genichiro Ashina" 击败“芦名源一郎”

Guardian Ape - Defeated the "Guardian Ape" 击败“守护猿”

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed - Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape's undying 使用武器斩破守护猿的不死身

Folding Screen Monkeys - Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys 抓住屏风猴子

Great Shinobi - Owl - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" 击败“枭”

Father Surpassed - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" at the Hirata Estate 在平田庄击败“枭”

Corrupted Monk - Defeated the "Corrupted Monk" 击败“破戒僧”

Gracious Gift of Tears - Defeated the "Divine Dragon" and obtained the "Divine Dragon's Tears" 击败“圣龙”并获得“圣龙之泪”

Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Isshin Ashina" 击败“芦名一心”

Demon of Hatred - Defeated the "Demon of Hatred" 击败“憎恶恶魔”

Great Serpent - Defeated the "Great Serpent" 击败“大蛇”

Great Colored Car - Defeated the "Great Colored Carp"  击败“大锦鲤”


全关卡BOSS打法攻略 全流程及BOSS打法攻略 全人物介绍
全结局剧情介绍 白蛇击杀方法分享 道具作用及效果大全
升级、技能及战斗系统解析 水生村到达流程攻略 枪义肢位置分享
鱼王支线任务攻略 施术师支线攻略分享 一周目全结局达成方法介绍
中文版下载资源 破解版下载资源 steam版下载资源
暗黑风格增强画质Reshade预设 三周目完美存档 真龙剑
无限之住人服装 蔡替换死字 新月玫瑰
4K超清桌面壁纸 血癫狂武士刀 神衣之刃

上一个:《吞食孔明传》第七章北伐中原图文攻略 如何招募姜维

