NBA2K9 XBOX360版成就列表

小编:Ocean 2010/12/21 09:20

2K9的成就跟前作几乎一样  一共50个成就 30 Assists Record 30 assists or more with any team(全队一场比赛至少30次助攻) 20G 10 Blocks Record 10 blocks or more with any team(全队一场比赛至少10次盖帽) 20G 15 Steals Record 15 steals or more with any team(全队一场比赛至少15次抢断) 20G Rebound Margin +7 Win the rebound battle by a margin of +7 with any team(全队一场比赛中 篮板数至少比对手多七个) 20G 15 Threes Make 15 three pointers or more with any team(全队一场比赛全队投进至少15个三分) 15G Defensive FG% Hold the opposing team's FG% below 40% with any team(全队将对手的投篮命中率至少控制在40%以下) 15G Lights Out FG% over 55% for the game (minimum 40 FGAs) with any team(全队至少出手40次 并将命中率控制在55%左右) 15G Track Meet Score at least 15 fastbreak points with any team(全队通过快攻至少得15分) 15G Second Unit Score at least 40 bench points with any team(全队板凳队员至少得到40分) 15G Inside Domination Score at least 60 points in the paint with any team(全队在内线得到至少60分) 20G Good Hands Record 20 assists with no more than 5 turnovers with any team(全队在少于5次失误的情况下至少完成20次助攻) 20G All-Hustle Record at least 10 offensive rebounds 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team(全队得到至少10个进攻篮板,5个盖帽,5个抢断) 15G All-Heart Start the 4th period losing by 10 or more points and win the game with any team(以落后十分开始第四节 最终赢得比赛) 15G 3-For-All Make at least 10 3pt FG's while shooting at least 45% from 3pt range with any team(全队至少投进10个三分球 并且命中率保持在45%以上) 20G Ice Water FT% over 85% with at least 15 FTA's with any team(全队罚球命中率至少在85%以上 至少出手15次) 15G Lockdown Record at least 10 blocks and 10 steals with any team(全队至少10次盖帽 10次抢断) 20G Celtics vs Lakers User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度 使用湖人VS凯尔特人 用任意一方获胜) 15G Spurs vs Suns User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度 马刺VS太阳 用任意一方获胜) 15G Cavaliers vs Wizards User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度 骑士VS奇才 用任意一方获胜) 15G Suns vs Mavericks User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度太阳VS小牛 用任意一方获胜) 15G Lakers vs Clippers User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度 湖人VS快船 用任意一方获胜) 15G East vs West User controlled team must win this matchup on All-Star difficulty(全明星难度 东部VS西部全明星用任意一方获胜) 15G LeBron James Record at least 35 points 9 rebounds and 9 assists with LeBron James(用詹姆斯得到至少35分 9个篮板和9个助攻) 25G Dwyane Wade Record at least 26 points 5 rebounds and 7 assists with Dwyane Wade(用韦德得到至少26分 5个篮板和7次助攻) 25G Kobe Bryant Record at least 40 points 5 rebounds and 5 assists with Kobe Bryant(用科比得到至少40分 5个篮板 和5次助攻) 25G Allen Iverson Record at least 30 points 8 assists and 3 steals with Allen Iverson(用艾弗森得到至少30分 3个抢断 和8次助攻) 25G Steve Nash Record at least 20 points and 15 assists with Steve Nash(用纳什得到至少20分 15个助攻) 25G Dwight Howard Record at least 20 points 15 rebounds and 3 blocks with Dwight Howard(用霍华德得到至少20分 15个篮板和3个盖帽) 25G Gilbert Arenas Record at least 35 points 3 steals and 5 threes with Gilbert Arenas(用阿里纳斯得到至少35分 3个抢断和5个三分) 25G Carmelo Anthony Record at least 40 points and 8 rebounds with Carmelo Anthony(用安东尼得到至少40分 8个篮板) 25G Chris Paul Record at least 20 points 10 assists and 3 steals with Chris Paul(用保罗得到至少20分 10个助攻和3个抢断) 25G Kevin Garnett Record at least 20 points 13 rebounds and 5 assists with Kevin Garnett(用加内特得到至少20分 13个篮板和5个助攻) 25G Yao Ming Record at least 30 points 12 rebounds and 4 blocks with Yao Ming(用姚明得到至少30分 12个篮板和4个盖帽) 25G Chris Bosh Record at least 30 points 10 rebounds and 2 blocks with Chris Bosh(用波什得到至少30分 10个篮板和2个盖帽) 25G Sprite Slam Dunk Win the Sprite Slam Dunk Contest using LeBron James(用詹姆斯赢得扣篮大赛) 35G Dunk-Off Defeat any challenger in a Dunk-Off(在扣篮大赛中击败其他对手) 35G Trivia Answer 15 trivia questions correctly(在NBA知识问答中答对15道题) 35G 3pt Shootout Win the 3pt Shootout(赢得三分球大赛) 15G Create Player Use the Create Player feature(自创一名球员) 10G 2K Beats Playlist Create a 2K Beats playlist(改动一下2K9的音乐播放列表) 10G Online Ranked Game Win one online ranked game(赢得一场线上游戏) 15G 3 Online Ranked Streak Win 3 online ranked games in a row(连赢3场线上比赛) 15G 5 Online Ranked Streak Win 5 online ranked games in a row(连赢5场线上比赛) 20G 5 Online Ranked Wins Win 5 online ranked games(赢得5场线上游戏) 15G 10 Online Ranked Wins Win 10 online ranked games(赢得10场线上游戏) 25G 20 Online Ranked Wins Win 20 online ranked games(赢得20场线上游戏) 30G Team 2K Beat a Team 2K member in an online game(线上比赛 击败一只有2K制作人的球队) 20G Good Teammate Earn a positive teammate rating in the online Team-Up Mode(在线上的组队模式中得到高分评价) 20G Better to Give Share any file type through 2K Share(和其他人分享你的2K数据) 20G Reel Critic Download a reel from ReelViewer and rate it(从ReelViewer下载一段影像) 10G

上一个:NBA2K9 效果最好的Jordan数据单独放出

下一个:NBA2K9 中锋数值
