
小编:Ocean 2014/10/15 15:59

Team Magicamy 是2014年10月12日在韩国成立的炉石职业战队,队员有Tarei, Dengxu, Tomflr,Magicamy和SPeCiaLiST 其中DengXu为中国玩家。DengXu何许人也?5月美服天梯第一。看过NA嘉年华预选的应该都记得Tarei在击败TidesofTime之后接受采访时的豪言:你问我击败TidesofTime有何感想?DengXu和我曾击败过他数次,没什么感想。


Who is Dengxu and why do many popular streamers speak of him with fear and trembling?


Monk:He's a Chinese player who at one point was rank 1 this season and had about 113 game lead over rank 2. However, he's currently lost his rank 1 spot. His decklists aren't public but many top players, especially NA players, have them. Almost every player who plays him or knows him really respects him. He plans on quitting the game in a few months though.


He's a guy who for the past few seasons has consistently sat at rank 1 Legend in NA. If he ever loses it he will grind until he gets it back. People respect him because he is like a HS god.


dengxu senpai = =


If he is currently number 1, then it must be the longest someone has been number 1 legend rank, because he has had it for the entire season. He had it when Trump was 2, when Reynad was 2, they both said his mmr was way higher than rank 2 and it would be really hard to take the top spot from him.



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