《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

小编:Ocean 2015/05/26 16:11






《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

Thursday, May 21 to Wednesday, June 17

Find matrimonial bliss! For a limited time, three types of 4-piece Wedding armor sets are available in the Dragon Vault. These rare-grade set packages are only 28,900 NX, and give you a set bonus if you equip 2 or 4 of the pieces at once. You also have the option to purchase permanent versions of the hat, one-piece, main hand, and off-hand pieces separately. The hat and one-piece items are also available as 30-day versions.

Wedding Cake Skill 

When you equip all four pieces of the costume set, you will gain a special costume skill calledWedding Cake! Use this skill to make a 3-tier wedding cake appear. It‘s stuffed with dynamite candles, and when it explodes…BOOM! It deals 450% Physical Damage and 450% Magical Damage to your enemies.

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

Set Bonuses 

- Equip two pieces of the Wedding Costume set to increase Physical/Magic Damage, and Max HP/MP. 

- Equip four pieces of the Wedding Costume set to increase Physical/Magic Damage, Critical, Strength, Agility, Intellect, Vitality, and Irine Skill.

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

Little Winnie Seliana Accessories

Thursday, May 21 to Wednesday, June 17

Dress up your Little Winnie ally to look just like Altera’s greatest celebrity and star, Seliana! For a limited time, you can pick up rare-grade hairstyle and outfit pieces. These permanent items are only 4,500 NX each. You can also select your stat, choosing from either increased Physical or Magic damage with the hairstyle, and either increased HP and Crit or MP and Crit with the outfit.

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

Thursday, May 21 to Wednesday, June 17

Crack open a Dragon Egg, and you just might find new wedding items inside! Five new items have been added to the eggs this month, including the Blessed Wedding Wings, Blessed Wedding Tail, Blessed Wedding Decal, Glorious White Wing Earrings, and Feathered Quill Spirit! The spirit item contributes to the magic-grade accessory set.

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

The earrings can be used to complete the rare-grade 2015 Costume Accessory Set. Other items in the 2015 Costume Accessory Set include two Dragon Tear Rings, Blessed Night Fairy Wings, Blessed Night Fairy Tail, Blessed Night Fairy Decal, Corrupted Velskud Spirit, and the Dragon Tear Necklace. Dragon Eggs can be purchased individually (1,500 NX), or in stacks of ten (12,900 NX) or thirty (29,900 NX).

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

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Thursday, May 21 to Wednesday, June 17

Become part of the animal kingdom when you equip one of these permanent animal hats! Available in the Dragon Vault for 7,500 NX, these rare-grade hats will give you increased Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Vitality.

《龙之谷》美服五月更新三则 婚礼时装新三件套

Six different styles are available including the Blue Whale Hat, Vigorous Red Whale Hat,Koala Hat, Frog Hat, Duck Hat, and White Flower Hat! Previously available through a random box, these styles are now for sale individually so that you can select the hat you want. You can also use these hats with a Costume Synthesis Tablet (also available in the Dragon Vault) or a Costume Hybrid Tablet (available via Dragon Eggs).

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