
小编:小胜 2016/11/21 09:39




"Leaving Blizzard was an incredibly difficult thing. I'd been there since, essentially, I was a kid. I think I was 19 when I got hired and it was my whole life, it was my identity. And it was in many ways, all-consuming. It was just incredible, but there can be a cost sometimes to running that hard."

As expected, developing Titan and then transforming it into Overwatch was extremely difficult and took its toll.

"I think during those years I burned out really hard. I think in my heart, I needed a change in my life. I wanted to slow down, I wanted to just not carry the weight of it all. But when you've been at a company like Blizzard for as long as I have, I think about Shawshank Redemption: I'm an institutional man now. I'm a Blizzard guy, through and through. I love that place. I love the people. It made me feel schizophrenic."

"I started having panic attacks left and right and just non-stop anxiety. Before I finally retired, I think I had been having panic attacks all the time, but I didn't know what they were. Kat and I would go on dates to go to a movie and almost all the time, I would start panicking in the middle of a movie. I had no idea what was going on."


当克里斯·梅森宣布退休的时候真的是让我们都非常震惊,而且他不只是从暴雪离开而是不再从事游戏研发了。现在Scott Johnson和克里斯·梅森有了一次访谈,克里斯聊到了他做这个决定背后的理由。





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