
小编:Ocean 2015/11/06 14:23


- Added the following vehicles for testing by Supertest players

Panzer 58, German tier VIII medium tank

AMX M4 mle. 49, French tier VIII heavy tank

Chieftain Mk. 6, U.K. tier X heavy tank

Chieftain/T95, U.K. tier VIII medium tank

KV-4 KTTS, U.S.S.R. tier VIII tank destroyer

Т-44-100, U.S.S.R. tier VIII medium tank

VK 45.03, German tier VII heavy tank

Turán III prototípus, German tier V medium tank

43 М. Toldi III, German tier III light tank


Panzer 58、AMX M4 49(真·法国虎王)、酋长 Mk6(还在测试啊 不要以讹传讹)、酋长/T95混合体、KV-4 KTTS、T-44-100、VK4503、Turán III原型车, Toldi III

- Added the Skoda T 40, tier VI Czechoslovakian medium tank, to the Premium Shop

捷克6级金币MT 斯柯达T 40加入游戏商店

- Reworked 28 vehicles in HD quality:

KV-220 (renamed to KV-220-2), KV-1, 212A, IS-8 (renamed to Т-10)

Marder 38T, Sturmpanzer I Bison, G.Pz.Mk.VI (e), Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A., Wespe, VK 20.01 (D), Pz.Kpfw. II, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J, Tiger II, Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f), 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther II

T2 Medium Tank, M2 Мedium tank, M3 Stuart, M7, T34

AMX 12t, AMX AC mle. 46

Vickers Medium Mk.III, Matilda, Loyd Gun Carriage, Covenanter

28 辆车高清化重制:KV-220(更名为KV-220-2)、KV-1、212A、IS-8 (更名为Т-10)、 黄鼠狼38T、野牛I、G.Pz.Mk.VI (e)(D系2级炮)、Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.(38nA)、 黄蜂、VK 20.01 (D)、II号坦克、蟋蟀、II号J型、虎王、S35 739 (f)、猎虎88、猎豹II、T2中型、M2中型、M3斯图亚特、M7、T34、AMX 12t、AMX AC mle.46.、维克斯Mk.III、玛蒂尔达、劳埃德GC、A13盟约者

- Made the following replacements in the U.S. tank destroyer and SPG tech trees:


Rebalanced the T82 tier III tank destroyer. Now this vehicle is a tier IV SPG

Replaced the T82 tier III tank destroyer with the T56 GMC tier III tank destroyer

Rebalanced the T18 tier II tank destroyer. Now this vehicle is a tier III SPG

Replaced the T18 tier II tank destroyer with the T3 HMC tier II tank destroyer

Replaced the T57 tier II SPG with the new T1 HMC

美国3级TD T82重平衡为4级火炮,3级TD位置由T56替代

美国2级TD T18重平衡为3级火炮,2级TD位置由T3 HMC替代

美国2级火炮 T57被T1 HMC替换

- Replaced the FV4202 U.K. tier X medium tank with the new Centurion Action X. Also, completely rebalanced the FV4202 medium tank. It is now a Premium vehicle

女王10级MT FV4202由百夫长ActionX替换,FV4202重平衡为8级金币车

- Replaced the top (2nd) turret of the Caernarvon U.K. heavy tank with the turret of the Centurion Action X

- Replaced the standard (1st) turret of the Conqueror U.K. heavy tank with the turret of the Centurion Action X

女王8级HT卡那封的精英炮塔以及9级HT征服者的白板炮塔 被百夫长AX的炮塔替换

- Changed the scale and color of desert and summer clan Camouflage


- Rebalanced the following vehicles:


Covenanter: Chance of fire for the Meadows D.A.V. O.C. engine decreased from 40 to 20 percent

A13盟约者:引擎Meadows DAV的着火几率由40%降至20%

Slope angles for the upper glacis plate of the FV4005 and FV4004 (based on the Centurion) tank destroyers reduced to 57 degrees


Maus: Increased the armor protection of some sections of the gun mantlet


L?we: Increased the armor protection of the gun mantlet


T23E3: Increased penetration of standard shells from 128 to 149mm and Premium shells from 177 to 190mm


8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger: Top forward speed increased from 28 to 38 km/h


Jagdpanther, Ferdinand, Jagdpanther II: Shell flight speed for the 10,5 cm Pak L/52 gun changed from 805/1006/805 m/s to 950/1188/950 m/s. Now, shell flight speeds for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 and 10,5 cm Pak L/52 guns are equal

德系TD(猎豹 斐迪南 猎豹II)的105炮 炮弹初速由805/1006/805增至950/1188/950,与HT那门105炮的初速一致

E 50 Ausf. M: Shell flight speed for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. K gun changed from 1478/1173/1173 m/s to 1500/1200/1200 m/s. Now, shell flight speeds for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. B and 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. K guns are equal

E 50M炮弹初速由1478/1173/1173增至1500/1200/1200,与E 50的顶级105炮相应弹种初速一致

- KV-220:

Increased the engine power from 650 to 850 h.p. Slightly decreased crossing capacity to balance this change

Increased the armor protection of the upper glacis plate from 100 to 120 mm


- T-54 first prototype:

Dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 0.38 to 0.36 m

Reload time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 8.1 to 8 s

Aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 2.6 to 2.4 s


Maps and Objects


Removed the South Coast map from the Random Battle mode


Deleted the resources of the Hidden Village and Province maps from the game client


Added extra special effects to a number of maps


Fixed the issues with the visual and damage models of some environmental objects


Graphics and System


Optimized performance of the game client on some PC configurations


Improved the loading speed for both the game client and maps


Fixed some issues in the new mechanism of shadow display for the Improved graphics preset


Optimized the performance of some special effects




Added Clan profile—a new interface that contains detailed information about Clans


Added voice notifications to the functionality of Dynamic Platoons


Fixed minor issues with interface


上一个:《坦克世界》7级金币车 德国斗牛犬

下一个:《坦克世界》T25 1号试验车数据
