火炬之光 V1.11的Unique橙色装备列表及其需求

小编:Ocean 2010/11/04 09:58

Name Level Brom's Honor Badge 0 Gobbler Tooth Charm 0 Twyla's Fire Pendant 0 Twyla's Ice Pendant 0 Twyla's Lightning Pendant 0 Twyla's Poison Pendant 0 Bling 3 Farkstone Amulet 4 Blessed Broach of Bremer 5 Fisherman's Friend 5 Scooter's Luckstone 7 Undying Broach 9 The Hagglestone Pendant 11 Zerostone Charm 12 Firefriend Bauble 18 The Uhl Noir Jewel 20 Trollkiller Pendant 21 Blank's Teeth Necklace 22 Monk's Crazed Insignia 22 Freman's Finest 24 Farkstone God 26 Epic Gobbler Tooth Charm 27 Epic Twyla's Fire Pendant 27 Epic Twyla's Ice Pendant 27 Epic Twyla's Lightning Pendant 27 Epic Twyla's Poison Pendant 27 Epic Brom's Honor Badge 31 Epic Farkstone Amulet 31 Epic Fisherman's Friend 32 Epic Scooter's Luckstone 33 Epic Undying Broach 35 Epic The Hagglestone Pendant 37 Epic Zerostone Charm 39 Epic Bling 40 Epic Blessed Broach of Bremer 41 Epic Sadostone 43 Epic Firefriend Bauble 45 Epic The Uhl Noir Jewel 47 Epic Trollkiller Pendant 48 Epic Monk's Crazed Insignia 49 Epic Freman's Finest 51 Epic Farkstone God 53



