星际争霸2 官方Q&A第53期放送

小编:Ocean 2010/11/26 09:25

6.Will there be any chance to have more options on pausing the game? In StarCraft: Brood War every player can pause the game three times, but every other player can unpause it. How about a (user editable) time limit before other players can unpause the game?
  We recommend that players communicate with each other in the game to agree on when to pause and unpause during the game.  We feel that pausing the game interrupts the game flow and it would be inconvenient for players to be forced to wait for a certain amount of time before being able to unpause. The pausing feature is mainly meant to allow for pausing of the game when all players are in agreement and for which duration.


7.I already knew the map editor would be available to beta testers a while after Beta was released, but this is why I’m asking the bland question, will it also be available to non-participating people?
  No, the map editor will only be available during the beta for beta testers. 

8.When a unit comes out from a building will there be only 4 exits from the building like in Warcraft 3 or will there be “infinite”?
  It is not infinite, but your units will come out from a building at the closest point on the building to where your rally point is set. 

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