
小编:Ocean 2012/12/29 08:58


> Mastercode
(主码 (M))

> Infinite Health

> Infinite Ammo / Never Reload

> Infinite Ammo / Never Reload With Max Clip

> Infinite Air

> Infinite Health Packs

> Max Infinite Health Packs

> Extra Health Packs
(额外药包) <--只有这个不是很确定 游戏中有这玩意吗? 我在猜是大药包??

> Explosion Fire With Normal Weapons

> Player 1-Press X & L2 to Moon Jump
(按X及L2可跳很远) <--我想这是表示LARA可以跳的比一般远 不受限

> Debug Menu Codes
(DEBUG 模式下可输入的作弊码)

> Open All Rewards/Ingame Cheats (Notes)
(开启所有奖励及作弊) <--这里指的是游戏关卡完成度所提供的作弊方法

> One Shot-Kill Enemy

> Invulnerable

> Player 1-Press L3+Up Draw Sun to Enable

> Player 1-Press L3+Down Draw Sun to Disable

> Display Draw Enemy Health

> Player 1-Press L2+R2 Walk Thru Walls to Enable

> Player 1-Press L1+R1 Walk Thru Walls to Disable

> Player 1-Press R3+L1 to Wireframe Mode Enable
(按R3+L1开启wireframe模式) <--这应该是做3D时用到的东东 不过我不知道中文该怎麽说><

> Player 1-Press R3+L2 to Wireframe Mode Disable

> Player 1-Press L1+L2+R1+R2 to Instant Completion
(按L1+L2+R1+R2快速完成) <--这个要测试才知道 我想是按下关卡就直接结束了,而该关的完成度会是100%

> Player 1-Press L1+L2+R1+R2+Select to Restart level

> Speed Modifier Codes
> Player 1-Press L3+R2 Slow Motion
(按L3+R2 慢动作)

> Player 1-Press L3+L2 Quicker Game
(按L3+L2 加快萝拉速度)

> Player 1-Press L3+L1 Hyper Mode
(按L3+L1 超高速)

> Player 1-Press L3+R3 Normal Speed
(按L3+R3 正常速)

> Activate Cheat Codes
> Infinite Health

> Infinite Breath

> Infinite Shotgun Ammo

> Infinite 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo

> Infinite Mini SMG Ammo

> Silver Mini SMGs

> Golden Shodgun

> All Weapons

> Show Enemy Health

> Sunglasses


