使命召唤5 僵尸关的分析

小编:Ocean 2011/03/11 13:54

  into atoms of ununtritium.
  Ok, whats "ununtritium"?
  Ununtrium is the temporary name of a chemical element in the periodic table that has he temporary symbol
  Uut and has the atomic number 113. It was discovered from the bombardment of atoms of Americium-243 with
  ions of calcium-48. Among the product of the bombardment were four atoms of ununpentium which in less than
  1/10 second decayed into atoms of ununtritium. On September 2004 a team of Japanese scientists declared
  that they succeeded in synthesizing the element.(当然我也看不懂)

  注意到陨石上的蓝色电荷吗?Wunderwaffe DG-2打出来的子弹所带的蓝电和它上面的一样,不仅如此,每次地狱猎犬出生(刷出来)的时候,都伴随有这样的蓝色电荷。这说明这颗陨石和地狱猎犬的出生有很大的联系.

  ? 角色语音 
  用普通武器射击,每个角色都会说:"This is not of this world." “这不是这个世界里的。”
  用DG-2射击,"Oh that rock, must be where element 115 comes from" “115元素肯定是
  他会说"Maybe the Red Menace would be interested in this.""也许红色恐怖会对此相当感
  Menace这个词在这里的意思是scare或fear,即恐惧。我们不禁发问:Red Menace是谁。
  P.S. 二战结束后欧美的Red Menace(XX情节,这涉及到资本主义和共产主义永远的矛盾)引发了冷战

  而如果你救起Richtofen,他会说:"Ahhh, the service to the Illuminati can ontinue."

上一个:使命召唤5 机器人模组+建服教学+设置文件

下一个:生化尖兵 通关简评和打精英士兵及BB技巧
