龙歌黑暗之眼 系统详解

小编:Ocean 2010/11/11 10:00

-> 下面是武器种类,不翻了直接COPY,一些评价:
-> 对于双手武器来说,双手大剑/双手斧,锤可以造成非常大的伤害,双手大剑比较均衡而双手斧,锤更注重进攻;
杖和矛基本是通用的(特别是具备RUSH AND MORTAL BLOW的矛),但除非远距离的好处对你确实有用,不然我认为不值得;
-> 对于远距离攻击武器,弓是王者,除非你缺钱或者AP你可以转而选择弩或者投掷类武器,相信我,就算对他们花费了1000AP都是值得的;


ii) Weapon classes
Class: Weaponclass
Basic: Available from start?
Cost: Enhancement cost (siehe Post 3)
eEC: Effective encumberance
Abilites: Important higher tier abilities that can be used with this weapon
Pro: Advantage of this weapon class
Con: Disadvanteage of this weapon class
Conclusion: A statement from me
Basic: Yes
Cost: C (low)
eEC: 0
Abilites: only Masterparry
Pro: cheap both AP and ducat wise, no weapon needed
Con: very low damage, no abilities except Masterparry, no weapon parry possible, no eEC bonus
Conclusion: Useless. Unless you look for a real challange and want win the game without any weapon.
Basic: Yes
Cost: D (medium)
Abilities: Mortal Blow
Pro: Basic, no ST needed
Con: very low eEC, low damage, no Mighty Blow abilities
Conclusion: Better than Brawling - but does that mean much? Keep away if possible.
Basis: Yes
Cost: D (medium)
eEC: -2
Abilities: Windmill
Pro: Base talent, mostly good WM, no high ST needed
Con: No Strike of Wrath, no Lunge
Conclusion: Good 1H weapon talent for non-fighters in the early game. Later swords are better imo, but I am sure you will find a magic sabre - so an okay option for one of your characters.
Basis: No
Cost: E (high)
eEC: -2
Abilities: Windmill, Roundhouse (not the Chuck Norris (tm) one), no high ST required

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