
小编:Ocean 2013/01/08 09:04


  ↓ 这应该是各自在各自的地图内杀敌送怪物给对手的模式


  Surrounded on All Sides

  Send 2,000 enemies to your opponent's map.



  Take the Stage

  Defeat your opponent and achieve victory in 3 stages.



  Killer Combo

  Achieve a 30-combo chain.



  You Are S.O.L.

  Defeat your opponent 10 times with enemies you sent.



  Kill or Be Killed

  Win while in the dying state.




  Last Man Standing--Again

  Win five times in a row.



  Take 'Em All Down

  Defeat 100 agents.



  Kung Fu Fighting

  Survive to the end only using physical attacks.



  Staying Alive

  Return to the game as a human character.



  Team Effort

  Win without any members of your team being killed.


  下面的应该就是某人当 Ustanak 打一群人的模式了


  Not without a Fight

  Defeat Ustanak 20 times.

  (打败 Ustanak 20次)



  Defeat Ustanak without anyone on your team being captured.

  (没人被 Ustanak 抓过。。。打败 Ustanak)


  Easy Pickings

  Eliminate all players as Ustanak in less than a minute.

  (当变成 Ustanak 的时候。。。一分钟内干掉所有人)


  One Is Never Enough

  As Ustanak, capture a total of 50 humans.

  (当变成 Ustanak 的时候。。。抓50人)


  Held Captive

  Defeat Ustanak with only one Agent remaining.

  (只剩下一人的时候干掉 Ustanak。。。)


