DotA 旭日酒馆 - 光之守卫 英雄攻略

小编:Ocean 2011/07/12 09:40



幻火 (Ignis Fatuus) [F]





Summons 1(2) Spirit of Lights to assist the Sentinel. Has no attack, but liberates deceased units as allies, can transport himself at will, and is difficult to hit.

Lasts 90 seconds.

一级 - 复活的战士较为弱小,攻击力低下。

二级 - 复活的战士有一定的战斗能力。

三级 - 复活的战士坚韧有力。

Level 1 - Summons Ignis Fatuus, the Spirit of Light. It cannot attack, but is difficult to kill and can move at will. It liberates deceased units as weak priests that fight by your side.

Level 2 - Summons Ignis Fatuus, the Spirit of Light. It cannot attack, but is difficult to kill and can move at will. It liberates deceased units as priests that fight by your side.

Level 3 - Summons Ignis Fatuus, the Spirit of Light. It cannot attack, but is difficult to kill and can move at will. It liberates deceased units as strong priests that fight by your side.

上一个:DotA 旭日酒馆 - 熊战士 英雄攻略

下一个:DotA 旭日酒馆 - 谜团 英雄攻略

