Wii《塞尔达传说:曙光公主》(欧版) 金手指码

小编:Ocean 2012/04/23 11:47

  Infinite All Bombs [James0x57]

  040384F4 38600087

  Always Have Full Wallet [James0x57]

  0420CB4C B0A40004

  The ONLY Rupee Code you need, works perfectly for everything.

  Infinite Rupees [James0x57]

  0247A82C 000012B3

  Have All Swords/Shields/Tunics [James0x57]


  Ported from CodeJunkies GCN code.

  Infinite Slingshot Seeds [James0x57]

  04211328 38000032

  Infinite Arrows [James0x57]

  0047A914 00000087

  Infinite Lantern Oil [James0x57]

  0247A830 00005640

  All Hearts and Infinite Health [James0x57]

  0447A828 00640050

  Infinite Breath Underwater [James0x57]

  0248061A 00000258

  Form Switch C+Z+(L/R = Link/Wolf) [James0x57]

  28433A6B 00006002

  0047A846 00000001

  28433A6C 00006001

  0047A846 00000000

  E0000000 80008000

  Press C+Z+Left to play as Wolf or C+Z+Right to play as Human the next time you pass through an area that loads. Use with caution. And don't use to enter houses, many make you have to reset.

  Matrix 'A' Roll (slow animation) [James0x57]

  043CF99C 3F000000

  Fast Recover for Hit Wall on Roll [James0x57]

  043CF9B0 4F000000

  043CF9B4 4F000000

  Roll Farther and Faster [James0x57]

  043CF9E0 40400000

  Climb onto things really fast [James0x57]

  043D036C 40870000

  043D0374 40870000

  043D0380 40870000

  Really fast on ladders [James0x57]

  083D0D90 41200000

  20030008 00000000

  043D0DB4 42AE0000

  Can climb onto really high things [James0x57]

  043D03E4 47A9EC00

  Walk Under Water [James0x57]

  043D0F68 7F878787

  Swim (stick forward) Fast [James0x57]

  043D0F70 42087000

  Swim (A) Fast [James0x57]

  043D0FF4 42087000

  Wolf Fast Dash [James0x57]

  043D10CC 42AE0000

  Always Start of Night ("press start" screen's color) [James0x57]

  0247A85C 00004387

  Always Mid-Night [James0x57]

  0247A85C 00004248

  Always Early Morning [James0x57]

  0247A85C 000042C8

  Always Mid-day [James0x57]

  0247A85C 00004316

  Four Rendering Codes -Use one

  poor rendering [James0x57]

  04480594 36000000

  foggy [James0x57]

  04480594 3F800587

  heavy fog [James0x57]

  04480594 3F801087

  distant places are clear [James0x57]

  04480594 3F600000

  Equipment Codes

  Link has the Ordon Sword in hand [James0x57]

  0047A83C 00000028

  Link has the Master Sword in hand [James0x57]

  0047A83C 00000029

  Link has the Master Sword (light restored) in hand [James0x57]

  0047A83C 00000049

  Link has the Wooden Sword in hand [James0x57]

  0047A83C 0000003F

  Link has the Ordon Shield On [James0x57]

  0047A83D 0000002A

  Link has the Wooden Shield On [James0x57]

  0047A83D 0000002B

  May only work after becoming a Wolf

  Link has the Hylian Shield On [James0x57]

  0047A83D 0000002C

  May only work after becoming a Wolf

  Link has the Scent of Ilia [James0x57]

  0047A83E 000000B0

  Link has the Poe Scent [James0x57]

  0047A83E 000000B2

  Link has the Reekfish Scent [James0x57]

  0047A83E 000000B3

  Link has the Youths' Scent [James0x57]

  0047A83E 000000B4

  Link has the Medicine Scent [James0x57]

  0047A83E 000000B5

  Have 60 Poes Souls [James0x57]

  0047A934 0000003C

  All Bugs Found [James0x57]


  Have Quiver [James0x57]

  0047A920 0000001E

  Have Big Quiver [James0x57]

  0047A920 0000003C

  Have Giant Quiver [James0x57]

  0047A920 00000064

  Have Wallet [James0x57]

  0047A841 00000000

  Have Big Wallet [James0x57]

  0047A841 00000001

  Have Giant Wallet [James0x57]

  0047A841 00000002

  Shards/Shadows- Use one

  Have 1 Fused Shadow [James0x57]

  0047A931 00000001

  Have 2 Fused Shadows [James0x57]

  0047A931 00000003

  Have 3 Fused Shadows [James0x57]

  0047A931 00000007

  Have 1 Mirror Shard [James0x57]

  0047A932 00000001

  Have 2 Mirror Shards [James0x57]

  0047A932 00000003

  Have 3 Mirror Shards [James0x57]

  0047A932 00000007

  Have all 4 Mirror Shards [James0x57]

  0047A932 0000000F

  Have all 4 Fused Shadows [James0x57]

  0047A931 0000000F

  This includes the part Midna already has.

  Items Codes

  Use most items under water [James0x57]

  040B77E0 48000018

  Super Clawshot(s) [James0x57]

  043D0BE4 47870000

  043D0BE8 45336000

  043D0BEC 45336000

  043D0BF0 43FA0000

  040FD390 3C600004

  Clawshot(s) will shoot as far as you need them to and return in a mater of seconds (it's max distance happens when shot into the sky and causes the game to lag while it's launching, if let it go max distance it will take 7 seconds to go out and come back due to lag). The best part (and hardest to hack) is the fact that it will attach to anything. Point, shoot, and you're there. (Sacred Grove, anyone?)

  TS's Super Spinner [James0x57]

  043D0C24 08700870

  04F453A4 3EC04300

  04F453A8 92D9052C

  04F43B58 EC22082A

  28433A6A F3FF0400

  04F43B58 EC220828

  28433A6B 3FFF4000

  04F43B58 FC20B090

  2C433A7D 0000BE80

  04F453A4 3EC041D0

  2C433A7D 0000BF28

  04F453A4 3EC03F00

  E0000000 80008000

上一个:Wii《马里奥赛车》(欧版) 金手指码

下一个:Wii《银河战士3:堕落》(欧版) 金手指码
