Wii《塞尔达传说:曙光公主》(欧版) 金手指码

小编:Ocean 2012/04/23 11:47

  Item Values for xx or XX

  00 (img of black rupee)

  01 (img of green rupee)

  02 (img of blue rupee)

  03 (img of yellow rupee)

  04 (img of red rupee)

  05 (img of purple rupee)

  06 (img of orange rupee)

  07 (img of silver rupee)

  08 Lent Bomb Bag (img of black rupee)

  09 (img of black rupee with text about a bomb bag)

  0A-0D (img of a bomb)

  0E-11 (img of arrows)

  12 (img of ring of seeds)

  13-15 (img of black rupee)

  16-19 (img of water bombs)

  1A-1D (img of walking bomb)

  1E Fairy (img of black rupee)

  1F (img of black rupee)

  20 Small Key

  21 Pieces of Heart

  22 Heart Container

  23 Dungeon Map

  24 Compass

  25 Ooccoo (pull out for random? game text! this is the actual item)

  26 Big Key

  27 Ooccoo Jr. (same as Ooccoo25!)

  28 Ordon Sword

  29 Master Sword

  2A Ordon Shield

  2B Wooden Shield

  2C Hylian Shield

  2D Ooccoo's Note

  2E Ranch Clothes

  2F Hero's Clothes

  30 Magic Armor

  31 Zora Armor

  32 Shadow Crystal

  33 Ooccoo (does nothing)

  34 Wallet

  35 Big Wallet

  36 Giant Wallet

  37-3A (image of hear piece)

  3B (different image of Ordon Sword)

  3C (img of a black rupee)

  3D Coral Earring

  3E Hawkeye

  3F Wooden Sword

  40 Gale Boomerang

  41 Spinner

  42 Ball and Chain

  43 Hero's Bow

  44 Clawshot

  45 Iron Boots

  46 Dominion Rod (powerless state)

  47 Double Clawshots

  48 Lantern

  49 Master Sword

  4A Fishing Pole

  4B Slingshot

  4C Dominion Rod (powered stage, doesn't work)

  4D (img of black rupee, info == info46)

  4E (img of black rupee)

  4F Giant Bomb Bag

  50 Bomb Bag (has Number?)

  51 Bag and Bombs

  52 (img of giant bomb bag)

  53 Fire Arrow (has number, info is blank)

  54 Quiver

  55 Big Quiver

  56 Giant Quiver

  57 (img of black rupee)

  58 (img of a fishing rod w/sinker?)

  59 Hero's Bow (img has bomb arrows, no info)

  5A (all same as 59 but is with hawkeye)

  5B Fishing Rod (with bee larva)

  5C Fishing Rod + Earring

  5D Fishing Rod (with worm)

  5E Fishing Rod + Earring (with bee larva)

  5F Fishing Rod + Earring (with worm)

  60 empty bottle

  61 Red Potion

  62 Magic Potion (no description!)

  63 Blue Potion (all hearts)

  64 Milk

  65 Milk (1/2)

  66 Lantern Oil

  67 Water

  68 Lantern Oil

  69 RedPotion

  6A Nasty Soup

  6B Hot Springwater

  6C Fairy

  6D Hot Springwater

  6E Lantern Oil (fake, no info)

  6F Lantern Oil (fake, no info)

  70 Bombs

  71 Water Bombs

  72 Bomblings

  73 Fairy's Tears

  74 Worm

  75 Great Fairy's Tears (don't work)

  76 Bee Larva

  77 Rare Chu Jelly

  78 Red Chu Jelly

  79 Blue Chu Jelly

  7A Green Chu Jelly (no info)

  7B Yellow Chu Jelly

  7C Purple Chu Jelly

  7D Simple Soup

  7E Good Soup

  7F Superb Soup

  80 Renado's Letter

  81 Invoice

  82 Wooden Statue

  83 Ilia's Charm

  84 Horse Call

  85-8F (pic of black rupee)

  90 Auru's Memo

  91 Ashei's Sketch

  92-9B (pic of black rupee)

  9C (pic of Lantern)

  9D Lantern Oil (fake)

  9E Bee Larva (no info, fake)

  9F Black Chu Jelly

  A0 Tear of Light (pic. black rup.)

  A1-A3 Vessel of Light (has info does nothing)

  A4 Vessel of Light (no info does nothing)

  A5-A7 Mirror Shards (has info)

  A8-AF (pic of black rupee)

  B0 Scent of Ilia

  B1 (pic of black rupee)

  B2 Poe Scent

  B3 Reekfish Scent

  B4 Youths' Scent

  B5 Medicine Scent

  B6-BE (pic of black rupee)

  BF (img of an empty glass?)

  C0 M beetle

  C1 F beetle

  C2 M butterfly

  C3 F butterfly

  C4 M stag beetle

  C5 F stag beetle

  C6 M grasshopper

  C7 F grasshopper

  C8 M phasmid

  C9 F phasmid

  CA M pill bug

  CB F pill bug

  CC M mantis

  CD F mantis

  CE M ladybug

  CF F ladybug

  D0 M snail

  D1 F snail

  D2 M dragonfly

  D3 F dragonfly

  D4 M ant

  D5 F ant

  D6 M dayfly

  D7 F dayfly

  D8-DF (pic of black rupee)

  F0-F2 (img of blue fire in a bottle)

  F3 Gate Key

  F4 Ordon Pumpkin

  F5 Ordon Cheese

  F6 Bedroom Key (from snowpeak)

  F7 Surf Leaf (img of Hylian shield)

  F8 Lantern

  F9 Key Shard (1)

  FA Key Shard (2)

  FB Key Shard (3)

  FC (img of key)

  FD Big key (from key shards)

  FE Small Key

  FF Empty Slot

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