
小编:Ocean 2014/07/10 10:02

You can check out the way MM works in WoT Blitz.


- Australian server in WoT? “While there is no further specific information on a possible AUS cluster at the moment… We are continuing to expand into the Asia/Australasia region with WOT and other titles, Such as the recent launch of WOT Blitz IOS. Sorry I don’t have any more information available at the moment.”


- Storm states that the use of PVE bots in WoT would for example be in historical battles, where bots would play the small tanks noone wants to play

Storm 表示PVE模式中bot的使用方式和历史战一样,都是bot玩(控制)一些没人玩的小坦克

- regarding the same question as above (players not playing weak tanks in historical battles), Storm states that giving even more credits to players for playing lowtier tanks is not an option (“very few people like to suck for money”)


- T-62A armor change will happen only if WG gets better info on its armor thickness

T-62A 的装甲只有在WG获得更好(准确)的信息情况下才会进行改动

- “it is not yet clear”, what will happen to FV4202 when the tier 10 one it is changed to another vehicle


Straight Outta Supertest: PvE “Tower Defense”

Posted on July 8, 2014 by Silentstalker — 71 Comments ↓

PvE “塔防模式”

Hello everyone,

at this point, several sources from supertest already confirmed that the PvE mode on supertest is some sort of “tower defense” mode. Basically, a team of players defends against stronger and stronger waves of enemy bots. Currently, it is in a stage of “discussion” – the developers are trying to gather feedback from supertesters, whether such a mode would be interesting.


Well, would you be interested?







