
小编:Ocean 2015/01/09 15:21


Dorian: Solas, I take it you study spirits?

Solas: I do.

Dorian: Back in my homeland, we keep spirits as servants.

Solas: So I've been told.

Dorian: The things they can be made to be are quite marvelous, you should see them.

Solas: The Tevinter Imperium is not the safest place for an elf.

Dorian: Ah, yes. Point taken.

Dorian: Do you use spirits as servants, Solas? You'd have no trouble capturing them.

Solas: No. They are intelligent, living creatures. Binding them against their will is reprehensible.

Dorian: How much "will" do they have? They're amorphous constructs of the Fade.

Solas: Hmm

Dorian: There's no harm putting them to constructive use, and most mages back home treat them well.

Solas: And any that show any magical talent are freed, are they not?

Dorian: What? Spirits don't have magical talent.

Solas: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about your slaves.

Dorian: Solas, that little flare you sometimes do with your staff... You're redirecting ambient energy to your personal aura?

Solas: Yes. The effect clears magical energy and creates a minor randomized barrier to impair incoming magic.

Dorian: Fascinating. It's a Tevinter technique. I've never seen anyone in this part of the world do it.

Solas: The technique is not Tevinter. It is elven.

Dorian: Oh! That means we... never mind, then.

Solas: But do go on about the wonders of Tevinter magic.

Solas: I am surprised you do not practice blood magic, Dorian. Is it not popular in Tevinter?

Dorian: While we're sharing surprises, you've done a lot less dancing naked in the moonlight than expected.

Solas: Tevinter lore about elves remains accurate as always.

Dorian: I wanted to see you make flowers bloom with your song, just once.

Dorian: Solas, what's this whole look of yours about?

Solas: I'm sorry?

Dorian: No, that outfit is sorry. What are you supposed to be? Some kind of woodsman?

Dorian: Is this a Dalish thing? Don't you dislike the Dalish? Or is it some kind of statement?

Solas: No.

Dorian: Well, it says "apostate hobo" to me.

(If Vivienne is in the party)

Vivienne: "Unwashed apostate hobo", more specifically.

Doran: Solas, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.

Dorian: The elven city of Arlathan sounds like a magical place, and for my ancestors to have destroyed it...

Solas: Dorian... hush.

Solas: Empires rise and fall. Arlathan was no more "innocent" than your own Tevinter in its time.

Solas: Your nostalgia for the ancient elves, however romanticized, is pointless.

Solas: If you wish to make amends for past transgressions, free the slaves of all races who live in Tevinter today.

Dorian: I... don't know that I can do that.

Solas: Then how sorry are you?

Solas: I notice you used a nullification enchantment combined with an offensive attack.

Dorian: The nullification disrupts any ambient magic lying about. Things then burn hotter.

Solas: Don't you then waste an inordinate amount of magic overcoming your own nullification?

Dorian: Ah, no. I warp the Veil slightly to effect distance between the spells.

Solas: Of course. Have you considering snapping the Veil-warp to enhance the relative energy?

Dorian: Like cracking a whip? Yes, tried it once. Made my teeth taste funny.

(If Sera is in the party)

Sera: Two of you doesn't make this normal!

Dorian: I can't believe you entered the Fade. Physically.

Solas: You think that is an achievement of which to be proud?

Dorian: It's the second time that's been done in all of history. That's not nothing, Solas.

Solas: In all of human history.

Dorian: The Fade is still a mystery to us humans, yes. Probably always will be.

Solas: Perhaps it's best it remain that way.

Dorian: Let me get this straight, Solas.

Dorian: You're an apostate - neither Dalish nor city elf - who lived alone in the woods studying spirits.

Solas: Is that a problem for you?

Dorian: No, no. You're a special and unique snowflake. Live the dream.

Solas: Your magical skill is impressive, Dorian.

Dorian: You're not the first to say so.

Solas: Would you not conserve magical energy with a less... flashy... style, however?

Dorian: Yes, and I'd live longer if I only ate rice and boiled vegetables, but that's just as unlikely.

Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You're always so... nondescript.

Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!

Dorian:That orb Corypheus carries... are you certain it's of elven origin, Solas?

Solas:I believe so. Why do you ask?

Dorian:There are paintings in the Magisterium's archives of men holding similar orbs.

Dorian:They were depictions of a time long before the magisters. The ancient Dreamers, perhaps.

Dorian:The texts called those orbs "somnaborium"--"vessels of dreams." Could they be the same thing?

Solas:Perhaps. The humans of ancient times took much from the elves.

Dorian:And Corypheus isn't far removed from the time. Hmm.

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