
小编:Ocean 2015/01/09 15:21


Dorian: I must admit, Cassandra, I've never heard of these "Seekers of Truth."

Cassandra: Why would you? They do not exist in Tevinter.

Dorian: But what are they? Some manner of super-Templar? Is this one of those Southern secrets, like proper hygiene?

Cassandra: Once, we worked from the shadows, monitoring Templars and mages alike.

Dorian: Ah. That clearly worked out well.

Cassandra: Your glibness does you no credit. The Mage Rebellion was beyond even our power to control.

Dorian: Incidentally, Cassandra, I'm well aware you lied to me.

Cassandra: I lied to you?

Dorian: When you said the Mage Rebellion was beyond the power of the Seekers to control. I've since heard your Order could have prevented it, but instead led the Templars into war once it started.

Cassandra: It... is why I left the Order, yes.

Dorian: Knee-jerk defense of your former comrades? I quite understand.

Cassandra: Your earlier judgment of the Seekers was unfair, Dorian.

Dorian: Oh? Were they not responsible for keeping peace with the mages?

Cassandra: And what would you say if one judged Tevinter solely on the actions of some of its Magisters and slavers? Yes, let us dismiss your homeland as not having a single redeeming quality!

Cassandra: The Seekers failed, without question, but the situation was complex and you well know it.

Dorian: Cassandra, my mother has a friend who's a Pentaghast. Perhaps you know of him.

Cassandra: The Pentaghasts are a large clan, Dorian. I cannot know them all, nor would I want to.

Dorian: Enormously fat man. Three chins, four mansions, five ways to sell you out, as Mother liked to say.

Cassandra: Oh. I do know him: Cousin Loren, with the wandering hands.

Cassandra: I take it your father returned to Tevinter, Dorian.

Dorian: (Sighs) Let's hope so.

Cassandra: My father died when I was very young. I barely remember him now.

Dorian: I won't say you're lucky, because that's not true, but there are days...

Cassandra: I understand. You have my sympathy.

(If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Cassandra)

Dorian: Why, Cassandra, I've never seen you smile so much!

Cassandra: I am not smiling.

Dorian: Now you're not, but only because I pointed it out.

Cassandra: I am not a giddy schoolgirl, Dorian.

Dorian: That would be easier to believe if you hadn't just blushed.

(If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

Cassandra: You're smiling a great deal these days, Dorian.

Dorian: I always smile. People like my smile, and they should! I have excellent teeth.

Cassandra: Do you always do it while staring dreamily into the distance?

Dorian: It depends how long until dinner.

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