NBA2K9 解说全中文翻译

小编:Ocean 2010/11/19 09:47


KH:当你一想到雄鹿很自然会想起锐利的射手里德,之后也许是博古特,但这个队伍仍然在寻找自己的真实身份,执教他们的是新教练Scott Skiles
KH:when you think of the Mil bucks we think of the sharp shooting Michael Redd.After that maybe Andrew Bogut.But this is a team that still trying to find its identity.And they had got a new coach Scott Skiles
CK:对于雄鹿来说不稳定是问题的因素之一,但只要有里德他们就可以在他的基础上重建,Scott Skiles也是一位已经证明自己能力的主教练
CK:well the instability has been part of the problems for the bucks,but with Michael Redd--a guy they can build on,and Scott Skiles a proven head coach

KH:公牛迎来一位新教练,一个从未担任过任何级别教练的人,Vinny Del Negro,他今年面临哪些挑战
KH:well the Chicago bulls has a new coach,a guy who has never coached at any level before,Vinny Del Negro,what's his challenge this year?
CK:i think his biggest challenge is commanding and respecting his young team,and he does that by being confident,fair and communicating directly.Once that is established then he can move forward

KH:雄鹿队的管理层机构看起来一片凌乱,他们的老板Herb Kohl议员通过微操阻止教练总经理完成他们的工作。队伍管理似乎和目前的困境有着很大的联系。他们迎来博古特也曾经有很好的选秀顺位,当然还包含伟大的迈克尔里德。但无论怎么说队伍前景仍然不明朗
KH:Well the MIl bucks seems to be an organisation in disarray.Their owner Senator Herb Kohl micro-managing the team preventing coaching general manager from being able to do their jobs or job that wanted to seem.Team management seem have a lot to do with the difficulties the team has had.And they added Andrew Bogut they've had some interesting draft choices and of course they got the great Michael Redd.Yet they still can't break through
CK:Yeah it is frustrating and puzzling.But when you consider the fact there have been multiple coaching changes in the last 7 years and i think Michael Redd has been there 9 seasons.And he is having 5 different head coaches.That speaks to instability,And it's virtually impossible to have any kind of success when you have that kind of instability on your bench.

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