NBA2K9 解说全中文翻译

小编:Ocean 2010/11/19 09:47

KH:Phil Jackson has done it again.He has taken his team LA Lakers,Clark,he has molted them not necessarily using triangle offense all the time but as all great coaches do,being open minded to different styles of play.Sure they have that as their brand sure it's their foundation.But this laker team showed a lot of ways to play this season and last season.I think it shows the maturity of some of the players.
CK:And the maturity of some players was displayed with the play off the bench.I thought they reserved that second unit for the LA was really a significant factor in the success of this team.And i think it's gonna be the case going forward as well Kevin.That's why this team's gonna continue to be a contender in the Western Conference and the NBA Championship going forward.


KH:He has won the national champion at Syracuse.He has been the all star game.He has played for the Olympic team.What a terrific success for Carmelo Anthony
CK:And you know Kevin you can not have that kind of success unless you have tremendous offensive ability.He is a premiere scorer in the NBA

CK:Another block?Oh they are gonna have nightmares about him

KH:We have a block party going on here
CK:Who says defense isn't exciting?This is just that kind of game i love to watch.Players going right at each other with great defensive battle.I just hope they keep it up

KH:Clark when you came with the off season this Indiana Pacers talk about the people they brought in.How they can turn this program around?
CK:我认为一切始于态度。你必须拥有有才能的球员才能获胜,这点你我都很明白。但同时也必须有自己的特点,必须有球员认真负责、坚持不懈的作正确的事情。步行者过去几年这方面比较窘迫,至于新的希望之星,例如Roy Hibbert.还有交易来的TJ Ford.包括Brandon Rush,一位很会投三分的中远距离防守球员。这些家伙我想很适合Jim O'Brien的执教理念。他们的加入也给了教练一个建造以年轻且有自己特点球员为主的球队的机会

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